Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 12, 2012

Nov 12, 2012

Dear Family,

Wow, one year ago yesterday I received my Visa for Brazil!!! pretty crazy, huh, it´s been a while! I´m going to hit my one year mark in Brazil next week.

I know I’m doing pretty bad with pictures. But the thing is that I feel weird taking pictures during a normal day. We´re not supposed to look like tourists... I basically take pictures only on P-day or when there´s a baptism. But you´re right, I’ll try taking more pictures. I´ll set a goal to take pictures every p-day.

Yeah I heard about Mitt Romney. It was funny when we found out here, it was quite anti-climactic. Elder Windous and I were doing a service project for a less-active lady in our ward. We were basically weeding. Anyway, Elder Windous got a call from a member that told him that Obama won. Elder Windous told me, we both were like ´Well, shoot.´ and continued weeding. Haha, this way is a lot better, people get way too angry and violent about these kind of things. My vote was for Jesus Christ. Things probably won´t change all that much, Obama didn´t do a whole lot the past four years... well, he killed bin laden and threw 1 trillion dollars into the ocean... but the only thing that I want when I get back is to study at BYU and get married forever.

That´s sad that that lady from Quincy sent that hateful post. I wonder what she was thinking while she´s writing that? ´Wow, they´re so hateful that I’m going to send an angry private message. That’ll teach them´. haha, what a clown. You should copy the message she sent you and paste it in the comments so that everyone can see. Hey, look what she said! People are so cowardly with the internet. But no, don´t do that, it won´t help anything. I think when I get back, I’m not even going to use facebook anymore. I do have a plan to write for the BYU Political review when I get back, though. Man, I had such high hopes to do that while I was studying at BYU, but now I’ll have to do that after the mission.

Well, this week was pretty good, we found a neat family this week that we´re already making plans to marry them so that they can get baptized. I hope it all works out! Our lunch fell through on Saturday, but that was fine, because Elder Windous and I had a classic American breakfast... for Lunch! We had pancakes, bacon, and omelets. It was delicious.

I don´t know what I’m going to do for thanksgiving day here. They don´t have it, so I’ll probably just be eating rice and beans at a members house. That’s fine though, I think that Christmas we´ll have a big meal.

Well, I’m glad you liked the letters, sorry that it took soo long.

But hey I got to goo. Love you lots, don´t get too discouraged about Obama, if we´re doing the right things, the Lord will bless us. It´s not even that big of deal, the Church is True, the Book of Mormon is true, so what else matters?

Oh, and you forgot to warn me about floods and dogs and fleas and snakes, so I think I’m going to have problems this week.


Elder Twitchell

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