January 30, 2012
Dear Family,
Sounds like things are going really well out there in the United States. Wow. I have a lot to write,
and in little time! I´ll just have to write it in another letter. With the Packages, I did receive ONE package, the package with the Ground Hog Droppings and the Journals. Elder Brino loves you guys now.
So you finally got my letter! It seems like forever ago that I sent it! I already sent another letter
for you guys. The worker at the mail office said it takes anywhere between 2 to 6 weeks to arrive in the US, so keep looking. Did Autumn get my letter? I hope so.
I did get a few letters, I got one from you, Mom, I think you wrote it on the 11th of January. It was
great, keep on writing them like that!
Welton, ish, Welton was kind of sad. He had all these things happen to convince him of the truth, but he just didn´t want to change his life so much. One day he simply stopped receiving lessons, he never was at his home, and one day he sent us a text message saying that he didn´t want us to come anymore, because he decided to go back to his ´old church´, which was a lie, because he told us himself that he never went to a church regularly. So, that was pretty sad, but he chose for
himself. We pretty much did everything we could. So, I learned with Welton that Miracles do happen, but I learned another thing, as well. I learned that it is so much better for people to develop faith through working, praying, etc, than having something miraculous happen. This was the problem with Welton--he didn´t put in any work to test his faith. So, he fell away.
But on to happier things. Elder Ballard and Anderson came to Curitiba Brazil! It was amazing,
Elder Ballard is a GREAT speaker, and Elder Anderson spoke his talk in Portuguese which was really cool! They spoke a lot about the Atonement, and also being a Representative of Jesus Christ, and the responsibility that comes with this. It was amazing! I´ll probably write more to you guys about this in my letter. Like I said, I’m going to write you guys a lot more with handwritten letters, so be prepared.
Tell everyone I say Hi, and I love them a ton! I´ve got to go, but I’ll keep you in my prayers!
Elder Twitchell
P.S. P-day is on Wednesday next week, because we´re going to the Temple! First time in Brazil! I
don´t know if I’ll have time to write you next week too, but I think I will. After that, P-day will continue to be on Monday.
P.P.S. I need Alicia´s address so that I can write her a letter!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Letter from Avram's companion
Janurary 30, 2012
Eu sou o campanheiro de seu filho Elder Twitchell, muito obrigado pelos diários(Journal) que vocês me deram! Realmente estou muito grato, e gostei muito, seu filho é um excelente missionário e esta trabalhando muito, ele vai fazer uma missão honrosa e vocês podem ter muito orgulho dele, ele se preocupa muito com as pessoas aqui no Brasil e quer ver todos mais felizes, tenho certeza que ele aprendeu tudo o que ele sabe com vocês. Continuem apoiando ele e sendo
uma família maravilhosa que vocês já são.
Elder Brino
I am the son of Elder campanheiro Twitchell, thank you for the daily (Journal)
you gave me! I'm really very grateful, and I liked his son is an outstanding
missionary and is working a lot, it will make an honorable mission and you can
be proud of him, he cares a lot about the people here in Brazil and want to see
everyone happier I'm sure he learned everything he knows with you. Keep
supporting him and being a wonderful family that you already are.
Elder Brino
Eu sou o campanheiro de seu filho Elder Twitchell, muito obrigado pelos diários(Journal) que vocês me deram! Realmente estou muito grato, e gostei muito, seu filho é um excelente missionário e esta trabalhando muito, ele vai fazer uma missão honrosa e vocês podem ter muito orgulho dele, ele se preocupa muito com as pessoas aqui no Brasil e quer ver todos mais felizes, tenho certeza que ele aprendeu tudo o que ele sabe com vocês. Continuem apoiando ele e sendo
uma família maravilhosa que vocês já são.
Elder Brino
I am the son of Elder campanheiro Twitchell, thank you for the daily (Journal)
you gave me! I'm really very grateful, and I liked his son is an outstanding
missionary and is working a lot, it will make an honorable mission and you can
be proud of him, he cares a lot about the people here in Brazil and want to see
everyone happier I'm sure he learned everything he knows with you. Keep
supporting him and being a wonderful family that you already are.
Elder Brino
Monday, January 23, 2012
2nd Letter from Brasil!!! Written Jan 23, 2012
Dear Family
I thought I’d write again, even though my last letter hasn’t even arrived yet. I got a letter from Mom that she sent on Jan 3rd, almost 3 weeks ago! And wow, lots of things have happened since the New Year. It’s crazy how many experiences are crammed into such a short period of time. As you probably know, two days ago, on the 21st, I celebrated my fourth month as a missionary. Kind of crazy, huh? I’ve learned so much during this time. I don’t think I would recognize myself even four months ago, the way I act, think, etc. It truly is a miracle.
So, as you know, we’ve already had transfers here. Transfers happen every 6 weeks, but not everyone is transferred. With this past transfer, that happened on January 1st, Elder Brino and I stayed here in Bairro Novo. But, by the time you get this letter, I’ll probably have a new companion. How weird! The time just keeps going faster and faster. It’s strange to think,
because in three week’s time, I won’t have a trainer anymore. I’ll be a normal missionary. And I still have sooo much to learn! Luckily the Lord is helping me out quite a bit, so that I don’t screw up everything.
The Lord truly has been blessing Bairro Novo. We’re finding some people that are so humble and full of Faith. We’ve been teaching this one family that is so cool, and spiritual, although you wouldn’t guess it with their family situation. It’s a single mother, with four children –
Patrique, Dainana, and two other children that I still haven’t met. Patrique is 19, lives with his mom, and just had his second child, and is living with his girlfriend, Francis, who is 18. It’s with Francis that he has two children. They had their first child when Francis was 16! But they’re such a special family, they are so interested in the restoration. Silvane went to church yesterday, and
probably next week the rest of the family will go. During church, Silvane was talking with a ton
of members, and participated in all the classes. She loved church! It was so cool to see.
We are super hopeful about this family and are working really hard to prepare them for Baptism.
This is just one family that we’re teaching. We have a few other people that are great as well. I always am humbled when I think about those people that we’re teaching. Heavenly Father is trusting his beloved, choice children with me. Every time I think about it, I feel like I need to work even harder. And we do work hard. Every day, we’re calling people, arranging for lessons, arranging carpools to church for our investigators, arranging to go on splits with members, studying the doctrine, practicing teaching lessons, planning our days, praying, fasting, pondering, serving, and of course walking and talking with people on the street.
It’s amazing, because when you really get talking to people you realize that everyone needs the gospel. It’s not just a good idea, it’s essential. And we as missionaries have to show them the way of happiness and Joy, which is Jesus Christ. So, this is my life right now, trying to invite others to come unto Christ with a heart full of love, and a desire for the Salvation of others.
But, Again, I want to know more about how life is going back home. You all are working hard, as well, and I love to hear how you are growing and being blessed. It sounds like Elaina and Austin are growing so fast. I can’t even imagine how they must be now. Austin especially seems to be growing fast, he’s already talking so much.
Just keep being good examples for everyone. Invite people over to your house. Don’t be afraid if people don’t want to be your friends. If they legitimately feel that way, then they’re a sad, sad person. Just be friendly with everyone, and you’ll have friends. Good friends. But remember, friends are fleeting. Family is Important.
Well, I just got back from writing you with e-mail. Sounds like things are a bit busy out there.
Sounds like things are a bit tough for Alicia, living in Tennessee. I completely forgot during the e-mail, but I need Alicia’s address? I’ll probably get her address before you get this letter, but tell her to write me, and I’ll write her back. I made a goal today to write the family at least every other week, if not more, and write one of my siblings each week. So, tell Aaron, Amber, Alicia, and Autumn to prepare themselves! If they don’t start getting letters from me soon, they can write me an e-mail saying that I’m failing as a brother. I hereby give permission and authority to exercise this type of chastisement. I want to know how life is going with you in the United States!!!
How is Autumn? How is school? Is she making friends? How are Amber and Adam? And the babies? How does dad like his calling? How are you doing with your calling mom? How is our neighbor? How are Alicia and Adam? How is Aaron and Joylyn and the babies? How is everything? How is the Old Testament reading? The Book of Mormon?
Something I want to start doing is write about the differnt things here in Brazil. It’s not a backwards country, but it definitely has it backward things. So for this letter, I want to focus on one topic
They indeed have showers here in Brasil, and indeed they have hot water (as far as I know. My apartment has not water). However, in Brasil, the shower heads are not at an angle – they come straight down!! That’s not all, either. I would say about half of the showers here don’t have a curtain or glass or anything between the shower and the rest of the bathroom. So, water gets everywhere. But, what they do is the squeegee all of the water to the drain. It’s really weird.
Well, keep going strong, keep praying, and keep reading the scriptures always. Love you lots!!
Love Elder Twitchell
Dear Family
I thought I’d write again, even though my last letter hasn’t even arrived yet. I got a letter from Mom that she sent on Jan 3rd, almost 3 weeks ago! And wow, lots of things have happened since the New Year. It’s crazy how many experiences are crammed into such a short period of time. As you probably know, two days ago, on the 21st, I celebrated my fourth month as a missionary. Kind of crazy, huh? I’ve learned so much during this time. I don’t think I would recognize myself even four months ago, the way I act, think, etc. It truly is a miracle.
So, as you know, we’ve already had transfers here. Transfers happen every 6 weeks, but not everyone is transferred. With this past transfer, that happened on January 1st, Elder Brino and I stayed here in Bairro Novo. But, by the time you get this letter, I’ll probably have a new companion. How weird! The time just keeps going faster and faster. It’s strange to think,
because in three week’s time, I won’t have a trainer anymore. I’ll be a normal missionary. And I still have sooo much to learn! Luckily the Lord is helping me out quite a bit, so that I don’t screw up everything.
The Lord truly has been blessing Bairro Novo. We’re finding some people that are so humble and full of Faith. We’ve been teaching this one family that is so cool, and spiritual, although you wouldn’t guess it with their family situation. It’s a single mother, with four children –
Patrique, Dainana, and two other children that I still haven’t met. Patrique is 19, lives with his mom, and just had his second child, and is living with his girlfriend, Francis, who is 18. It’s with Francis that he has two children. They had their first child when Francis was 16! But they’re such a special family, they are so interested in the restoration. Silvane went to church yesterday, and
probably next week the rest of the family will go. During church, Silvane was talking with a ton
of members, and participated in all the classes. She loved church! It was so cool to see.
We are super hopeful about this family and are working really hard to prepare them for Baptism.
This is just one family that we’re teaching. We have a few other people that are great as well. I always am humbled when I think about those people that we’re teaching. Heavenly Father is trusting his beloved, choice children with me. Every time I think about it, I feel like I need to work even harder. And we do work hard. Every day, we’re calling people, arranging for lessons, arranging carpools to church for our investigators, arranging to go on splits with members, studying the doctrine, practicing teaching lessons, planning our days, praying, fasting, pondering, serving, and of course walking and talking with people on the street.
It’s amazing, because when you really get talking to people you realize that everyone needs the gospel. It’s not just a good idea, it’s essential. And we as missionaries have to show them the way of happiness and Joy, which is Jesus Christ. So, this is my life right now, trying to invite others to come unto Christ with a heart full of love, and a desire for the Salvation of others.
But, Again, I want to know more about how life is going back home. You all are working hard, as well, and I love to hear how you are growing and being blessed. It sounds like Elaina and Austin are growing so fast. I can’t even imagine how they must be now. Austin especially seems to be growing fast, he’s already talking so much.
Just keep being good examples for everyone. Invite people over to your house. Don’t be afraid if people don’t want to be your friends. If they legitimately feel that way, then they’re a sad, sad person. Just be friendly with everyone, and you’ll have friends. Good friends. But remember, friends are fleeting. Family is Important.
Well, I just got back from writing you with e-mail. Sounds like things are a bit busy out there.
Sounds like things are a bit tough for Alicia, living in Tennessee. I completely forgot during the e-mail, but I need Alicia’s address? I’ll probably get her address before you get this letter, but tell her to write me, and I’ll write her back. I made a goal today to write the family at least every other week, if not more, and write one of my siblings each week. So, tell Aaron, Amber, Alicia, and Autumn to prepare themselves! If they don’t start getting letters from me soon, they can write me an e-mail saying that I’m failing as a brother. I hereby give permission and authority to exercise this type of chastisement. I want to know how life is going with you in the United States!!!
How is Autumn? How is school? Is she making friends? How are Amber and Adam? And the babies? How does dad like his calling? How are you doing with your calling mom? How is our neighbor? How are Alicia and Adam? How is Aaron and Joylyn and the babies? How is everything? How is the Old Testament reading? The Book of Mormon?
Something I want to start doing is write about the differnt things here in Brazil. It’s not a backwards country, but it definitely has it backward things. So for this letter, I want to focus on one topic
They indeed have showers here in Brasil, and indeed they have hot water (as far as I know. My apartment has not water). However, in Brasil, the shower heads are not at an angle – they come straight down!! That’s not all, either. I would say about half of the showers here don’t have a curtain or glass or anything between the shower and the rest of the bathroom. So, water gets everywhere. But, what they do is the squeegee all of the water to the drain. It’s really weird.
Well, keep going strong, keep praying, and keep reading the scriptures always. Love you lots!!
Love Elder Twitchell
2 Apostles are Coming to Curitiba
January 23, 2012
Dear Family!!!
Sounds like a party in California. Well, not exactly, if everyone is sick. That´s no fun. I´ll
definitely pray the kids in today. Tell them that I love them lots!
So yeah, two apostles are coming here to Curitiba!!! wooohoooo. I have no idea why they´re coming, I only know that this Thursday, there´ll be a special conference for families, and on Friday, there´ll be a conference for just the missions! Yippeee! And as far as I have heard, this is NOT normal. Especially with TWO apostles. So, we´ll see what happens. It´s going to be something to be remembered, that´s for sure. This week, I’ve been studying a lot about apostles, what they do, and how important they are. I encourage you to do the same, it´s crazy how important an apostle is. And we have the privilege of hearing TWO of them!
Ben needs to send me a letter? Opa, must be important. I can´t believe that it´s been three months since I’ve seen Ben. Also, it´s really weird to think how close he is. He really is not that far from me. And, on top of that, I have a lot of friends that are all learning Portuguese and doing this work at the same time. It´s really weird, especially since we´re so isolated from each other.
Aaron Blood got married!!! Sweet! I like Aaron Blood, he is such a good guy, one of my
favorites. Tell him I say Congratulations! Also, tell Jared Congratulations for me. Guatemala? Eeeesh, why not Brasil? haha, just kidding, that´s really cool, he´s going to love learning Spanish.
So, you still haven´t gotten my letter? That´s not good. I just finished writing you guys another
letter. I hope it doesn´t always go this slow, it´s been a few weeks now. I´ll try to keep up a steady stream of letters for the family each week, and also at least once a month for Amber, Alicia, Autumn, and Aaron, although it´ll be really hard. I´m starting to get into the groove of using my P-days intelligently, and I can normally write a few letters, no problem, and still have time to do
other things. But you know what I was thinking? it would be really cool if we could do that thing that they do in the Best Two Years, you know, with the tape recorder? We could send each other tapes, and that way, you could hear my voice, and also I could say a LOT more with these ´letters´. I still haven´t looked into tape recorders here, but I think it maybe would be better to have you guys send me one? I don´t know, tell me what you think about this idea. I´ll also try to figure out how to do pictures. I have been failing with the pictures, I haven´t taken any pictures in a couple of weeks. It´s hard because we have to focus on the work, and also, I don´t want to carry around my camera with me all the time, it´ll get stolen.
I still haven´t received that package, but it probably is at the Mission Office, I’ll tell you when I
get it.
My week has been suuuuuper hectic. But, every week is suuuuuper hectic. We taught thirty-nine lessons this week (a personal record!), and 24 of these lessons were with members (another personal record. Before last week, we had not even reached 15 lessons with members in a week). We are working a lot, and we always are looking for ways to be better. I´m trying to speak more, because before I wasn´t speaking as much. It´s a little bit unnerving when you know that you have an accent, and you probably can´t express everything you want to say. But, it´s for that very
reason that I need to speak more. We have some really cool families that we´re teaching right now, I can´t even write all of them. However, they´re being a little bit difficult with baptism. If they get baptized, I’ll tell you more about these families.
Keep telling me how things are going back home! How is Autumn? How is Amber and the babies? How is dad with his calling? What´s something strange that happened this week? Are you speaking Korean yet? How is our neighbor? How is Bishop Hoggan? I don´t know, just tell me everything.
I love you guys soooooo much, and I look forward to all of your letters. Keep praying, keep reading the scriptures, and be good examples. People are watching.
Elder Twitchell
Please write him, he is needing letters.......
Dear Family!!!
Sounds like a party in California. Well, not exactly, if everyone is sick. That´s no fun. I´ll
definitely pray the kids in today. Tell them that I love them lots!
So yeah, two apostles are coming here to Curitiba!!! wooohoooo. I have no idea why they´re coming, I only know that this Thursday, there´ll be a special conference for families, and on Friday, there´ll be a conference for just the missions! Yippeee! And as far as I have heard, this is NOT normal. Especially with TWO apostles. So, we´ll see what happens. It´s going to be something to be remembered, that´s for sure. This week, I’ve been studying a lot about apostles, what they do, and how important they are. I encourage you to do the same, it´s crazy how important an apostle is. And we have the privilege of hearing TWO of them!
Ben needs to send me a letter? Opa, must be important. I can´t believe that it´s been three months since I’ve seen Ben. Also, it´s really weird to think how close he is. He really is not that far from me. And, on top of that, I have a lot of friends that are all learning Portuguese and doing this work at the same time. It´s really weird, especially since we´re so isolated from each other.
Aaron Blood got married!!! Sweet! I like Aaron Blood, he is such a good guy, one of my
favorites. Tell him I say Congratulations! Also, tell Jared Congratulations for me. Guatemala? Eeeesh, why not Brasil? haha, just kidding, that´s really cool, he´s going to love learning Spanish.
So, you still haven´t gotten my letter? That´s not good. I just finished writing you guys another
letter. I hope it doesn´t always go this slow, it´s been a few weeks now. I´ll try to keep up a steady stream of letters for the family each week, and also at least once a month for Amber, Alicia, Autumn, and Aaron, although it´ll be really hard. I´m starting to get into the groove of using my P-days intelligently, and I can normally write a few letters, no problem, and still have time to do
other things. But you know what I was thinking? it would be really cool if we could do that thing that they do in the Best Two Years, you know, with the tape recorder? We could send each other tapes, and that way, you could hear my voice, and also I could say a LOT more with these ´letters´. I still haven´t looked into tape recorders here, but I think it maybe would be better to have you guys send me one? I don´t know, tell me what you think about this idea. I´ll also try to figure out how to do pictures. I have been failing with the pictures, I haven´t taken any pictures in a couple of weeks. It´s hard because we have to focus on the work, and also, I don´t want to carry around my camera with me all the time, it´ll get stolen.
I still haven´t received that package, but it probably is at the Mission Office, I’ll tell you when I
get it.
My week has been suuuuuper hectic. But, every week is suuuuuper hectic. We taught thirty-nine lessons this week (a personal record!), and 24 of these lessons were with members (another personal record. Before last week, we had not even reached 15 lessons with members in a week). We are working a lot, and we always are looking for ways to be better. I´m trying to speak more, because before I wasn´t speaking as much. It´s a little bit unnerving when you know that you have an accent, and you probably can´t express everything you want to say. But, it´s for that very
reason that I need to speak more. We have some really cool families that we´re teaching right now, I can´t even write all of them. However, they´re being a little bit difficult with baptism. If they get baptized, I’ll tell you more about these families.
Keep telling me how things are going back home! How is Autumn? How is Amber and the babies? How is dad with his calling? What´s something strange that happened this week? Are you speaking Korean yet? How is our neighbor? How is Bishop Hoggan? I don´t know, just tell me everything.
I love you guys soooooo much, and I look forward to all of your letters. Keep praying, keep reading the scriptures, and be good examples. People are watching.
Elder Twitchell
Please write him, he is needing letters.......
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Janurary 16, 2012 Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 16, 2012
Dear family!
Sorry I’m so rushed all the time with my e-mails, but really, 40 minutes isn´t that much to write you! I can´t say everything, but I’ll try to say as much as I can.
I don´t know if I can send you my e-mails for the president to you? I´ll ask someone, but I probably can´t do it all the time.
With the Petersons, it´s still really hard. The dad, Peterson, is really discouraged, because the
situation at home is a little stressed for him. Also, Adrianna, the mom, has started working really late, and on Sundays, as well, so it´s putting a stress on the whole family. They didn´t go to church on Sunday, as well, so this marks the fourth Sunday in a row that they haven´t gone. However, I think that they will the next time, because the ward is finally working with them. The relief society president visited them, as well as the Elders quorum. They really liked that, and now they´re feeling a lot better. The ward just needs to work with them more! The problem is that Elder Brino and I really can´t continue teaching the Peterson family, because we will leave one day, and if they aren´t integrated in the ward, they´ll fall away. So, we are working a lot to pass the family off to the ward.
That’s awesome about the clementine’s! I want to eat some. I love service projects like that, it´s a ton of fun. And it´s good that you’re putting the truck to use! lol How is Dad´s calling? It sounds
like you are all really involved in the ward, which is great! The more involved the better! A thing I’m learning here is that the members are incredibly important, and they don´t even realize it. When they´re involved in the ward, making friendships, planning activities, supporting one another, they are truly doing the work of Christ. It may seem insignificant or mundane, but it
assuredly is not.
And that´s great news about Mitch!!! I was really worrying about him, it´s been almost 8 months, right? He´ll get to go to Brazil after all. I wonder how his Portuguese will be :)
My week has been going great, we´re finding some really awesome people now. We are asking for a lot of references from the members, and are working a lot with them members to teach these references. This is working out really well with us--the testimony of a member is one of the best things during a lesson! And come Sunday, when the investigator is feeling a little out of place, they already have a friend at church! It´s awesome. And Gustavo was confirmed yesterday (he was baptized a week ago) and I think that he will receive the priesthood in a couple of weeks,
because he´s going to go visit his dad this week. But Gustavo is suuuuper firm, I think he´s the most firm baptism we´ve had so far.
The weather here is bipolar. The norm is that it rains really hard in the afternoon, and then gets
really hot, or it´s really really hot in the afternoon, and then rains at night. If not this, then it´s just kind of a normal temperature--not really that hot. But I think that things are going to start getting cold soon, come April. We´ll see.
Have a happy martin Luther King Jr. Day! I love you guys lots! Keep writing me letters! I hope my
letter arrives soon for you. Tell Autumn to keep being a good influence, keep studying, and keep writing me letters! Autumn, I think that you are already a lot better than I was at you´re age, and when you´re such a good person, you have two responsibilities--Improve yourself and help others improve! Seek to better yourself everyday!
For everyone--the whole family--keep praying together, keep reading the scriptures together, keep going to church together, keep serving each other. The cool thing about the gospel is that it unifies families. When every get´s on the same path, choosing the right, every one gets so much closer to one another.
Love you lots!!!!!!!
Elder Twitchell
PS. Amber, I’m going to
write you a letter today, in response to the other letters! And if I don´t get a letter from the Family and Autumn by next Monday, I’ll just go ahead and write another one.
PPS. Ooooooooooooh! You guys are going to be soooooo jealous. On the 26th here, 2 Apostles, M. Russell Ballard and Neil L. Anderson, are coming to the Curitiba, Brazil mission, to speak with the missionaries! Two men who speak face to face with the Lord are going to speak with us!!!! Yippeeeee!
Dear family!
Sorry I’m so rushed all the time with my e-mails, but really, 40 minutes isn´t that much to write you! I can´t say everything, but I’ll try to say as much as I can.
I don´t know if I can send you my e-mails for the president to you? I´ll ask someone, but I probably can´t do it all the time.
With the Petersons, it´s still really hard. The dad, Peterson, is really discouraged, because the
situation at home is a little stressed for him. Also, Adrianna, the mom, has started working really late, and on Sundays, as well, so it´s putting a stress on the whole family. They didn´t go to church on Sunday, as well, so this marks the fourth Sunday in a row that they haven´t gone. However, I think that they will the next time, because the ward is finally working with them. The relief society president visited them, as well as the Elders quorum. They really liked that, and now they´re feeling a lot better. The ward just needs to work with them more! The problem is that Elder Brino and I really can´t continue teaching the Peterson family, because we will leave one day, and if they aren´t integrated in the ward, they´ll fall away. So, we are working a lot to pass the family off to the ward.
That’s awesome about the clementine’s! I want to eat some. I love service projects like that, it´s a ton of fun. And it´s good that you’re putting the truck to use! lol How is Dad´s calling? It sounds
like you are all really involved in the ward, which is great! The more involved the better! A thing I’m learning here is that the members are incredibly important, and they don´t even realize it. When they´re involved in the ward, making friendships, planning activities, supporting one another, they are truly doing the work of Christ. It may seem insignificant or mundane, but it
assuredly is not.
And that´s great news about Mitch!!! I was really worrying about him, it´s been almost 8 months, right? He´ll get to go to Brazil after all. I wonder how his Portuguese will be :)
My week has been going great, we´re finding some really awesome people now. We are asking for a lot of references from the members, and are working a lot with them members to teach these references. This is working out really well with us--the testimony of a member is one of the best things during a lesson! And come Sunday, when the investigator is feeling a little out of place, they already have a friend at church! It´s awesome. And Gustavo was confirmed yesterday (he was baptized a week ago) and I think that he will receive the priesthood in a couple of weeks,
because he´s going to go visit his dad this week. But Gustavo is suuuuper firm, I think he´s the most firm baptism we´ve had so far.
The weather here is bipolar. The norm is that it rains really hard in the afternoon, and then gets
really hot, or it´s really really hot in the afternoon, and then rains at night. If not this, then it´s just kind of a normal temperature--not really that hot. But I think that things are going to start getting cold soon, come April. We´ll see.
Have a happy martin Luther King Jr. Day! I love you guys lots! Keep writing me letters! I hope my
letter arrives soon for you. Tell Autumn to keep being a good influence, keep studying, and keep writing me letters! Autumn, I think that you are already a lot better than I was at you´re age, and when you´re such a good person, you have two responsibilities--Improve yourself and help others improve! Seek to better yourself everyday!
For everyone--the whole family--keep praying together, keep reading the scriptures together, keep going to church together, keep serving each other. The cool thing about the gospel is that it unifies families. When every get´s on the same path, choosing the right, every one gets so much closer to one another.
Love you lots!!!!!!!
Elder Twitchell
PS. Amber, I’m going to
write you a letter today, in response to the other letters! And if I don´t get a letter from the Family and Autumn by next Monday, I’ll just go ahead and write another one.
PPS. Ooooooooooooh! You guys are going to be soooooo jealous. On the 26th here, 2 Apostles, M. Russell Ballard and Neil L. Anderson, are coming to the Curitiba, Brazil mission, to speak with the missionaries! Two men who speak face to face with the Lord are going to speak with us!!!! Yippeeeee!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Gustavo got Baptized!!!
January 09, 2012
Dear Family,
I kind of like P-days on Mondays. We just work and work and work during the whole week, and then at the start of the week, we rest a bit, and keep working! It probably is a bit more difficult for you though, huh? I think it´s a great idea that you send me long letters every week! I probably won´t be able to respond with a letter every week, but I’ll definitely write a lot for you. I´m excited for you guys to get my letters, I wrote a good 4 pages for you guys, and another 4 pages for
Autumn. Oh, by the way, I got Autumn´s letter the other day. Thanks Autumn, you´re the best!!! And yeah, you can keep the e-mails a bit short, I won´t get angry, although I still like a lot of information in the E-mail. And I can send you a copy of my letter to the president, if you want, but I don´t think you´ll understand, it´s in Portuguese! I´ll send it in another letter, ok?
My week was great! We had a baptism yesterday, with Gustavo!!! He´s this 19 year old who is awesome, he´s really firm in his testimony. However, we are worrying a bit here about our recent converts, because the bishop here still hasn´t sent anyone to visit them, still hasn’t called a home teacher or visiting teachers, and still hasn´t given a calling to them. Elder Brino and I can´t keep up with our recent converts forever -- it´s the bishops job! Oh well, we´ll see how it turns out.
I understand how Elder Neal feels, but really, time is something I try not to think about here. I
think I would go crazy if I reminded myself constantly that I still have 1 year and 8 months left! If you just focus on the work, and forget yourself, everything goes a lot better, so I’m doing that! Of course I still miss you guys a ton, but in just a short time, I’m going to be back with you!! Hurray!
OK, I’m almost out of time. I still have the same area, same companion. Which is great, we´re going to work a lot this week!! My church time is at 9 AM, I don´t know how close it is to your time. I´ve got to run, but I’ll write a letter next week if I have time!!!
Love you all a ton. OH, and keeeep reading the Book of Mormon. Minha nossa, I can´t stress that enough. Read the ensign from November (the one about the Book of Mormon) if you need
further convincing. Here on the mission, I don´t have that much time to study (only 3 hours a day, what garbage!!! :P) but every chance I get, I’m reading the Book of Mormon.
LOVE YOU LOTS, have a great week! I’m praying about you, and certainly feel all the prayers (and fasting) that you guys are doing.
Elder Twitchell
Here is the translation of his letter to the Mission President
This week was great! There are some things that can be better, but overall I think the work is going good. This week, I Brin and Elder were praying for people who are prepared to receive the restored gospel, and truly, people have been placed in our path. We think some families, and although it is hard to understand now how they will be now, I think they are very firm. In particular, the researcher was a Sunday in the church that is interested, and we'll teach him and his family this week. We are very excited. Also, we had some progress with investigators this week. First, Gustavo Batis was yesterday, and he is very firm, and excited about the Church. Too I, Arom, a researcher who was once a little more or less, the Church, and is serious about baptism. We have some other people who are very good, and we are excited to help them. Although we have a good week, we are also getting a little worried about our recent converts, especially Peterson's family (with his wife and five children). Elder Brin and I asked the Bishop to visit them, call a couple of missionaries in the ward, and also give a call to Peterson. But unfortunately, this has not anconteceu, and already makes more than one month they were baptized. We are also trying to get friendship with some members in the ward, but in fact people in the ward are not helping. And the same thing is happening with our other recent converts. Of course, I Brin and Elder need to watch our new converts, but the fact is that we will not be here in New
Neighborhood forever, then the need to visit the recent converts, and they also have called. Elder Brin and I are working hard to help our recent converts - visiting them several times during the week, talking with the Bishop and the leadership, especially during the ward council and speaking with members who live close to our recent converts - but we're still very concerned.
With the double, I Brin and Elder are great. Our relationship, in fact, it was just barely started on this week, but we talked a little, we solve some problems, and now, our fellowship has never been better! We are treating each other with more respect, more open talking and sharing ideas to help our study, fellowship, and work. The language, of course, is improving. Now, I can understand what people are saying, more or less, and can respond much more effectively. The Lord is helping me this much, and I was still studying a lot, and paying close attention as I'm talking about, and how Brazilians speak. I'm looking to improve my ability to speak, but at the same time, I try to remember that it is only with the Lord that I can say anything. I have great confidence that I will be understood, thanks to the Lord, and at the same time, I'm feeling a bit humble, because the Lord is helping me a lot. My tongue, literally, get long, and is useless!
My family is very good, and in fact they are growing much spiritually. is a blessing to see this growth.
Elder Brin and I'll work hard this week, and we will resolve our problems with our recent converts.
Thank you
Dear Family,
I kind of like P-days on Mondays. We just work and work and work during the whole week, and then at the start of the week, we rest a bit, and keep working! It probably is a bit more difficult for you though, huh? I think it´s a great idea that you send me long letters every week! I probably won´t be able to respond with a letter every week, but I’ll definitely write a lot for you. I´m excited for you guys to get my letters, I wrote a good 4 pages for you guys, and another 4 pages for
Autumn. Oh, by the way, I got Autumn´s letter the other day. Thanks Autumn, you´re the best!!! And yeah, you can keep the e-mails a bit short, I won´t get angry, although I still like a lot of information in the E-mail. And I can send you a copy of my letter to the president, if you want, but I don´t think you´ll understand, it´s in Portuguese! I´ll send it in another letter, ok?
My week was great! We had a baptism yesterday, with Gustavo!!! He´s this 19 year old who is awesome, he´s really firm in his testimony. However, we are worrying a bit here about our recent converts, because the bishop here still hasn´t sent anyone to visit them, still hasn’t called a home teacher or visiting teachers, and still hasn´t given a calling to them. Elder Brino and I can´t keep up with our recent converts forever -- it´s the bishops job! Oh well, we´ll see how it turns out.
I understand how Elder Neal feels, but really, time is something I try not to think about here. I
think I would go crazy if I reminded myself constantly that I still have 1 year and 8 months left! If you just focus on the work, and forget yourself, everything goes a lot better, so I’m doing that! Of course I still miss you guys a ton, but in just a short time, I’m going to be back with you!! Hurray!
OK, I’m almost out of time. I still have the same area, same companion. Which is great, we´re going to work a lot this week!! My church time is at 9 AM, I don´t know how close it is to your time. I´ve got to run, but I’ll write a letter next week if I have time!!!
Love you all a ton. OH, and keeeep reading the Book of Mormon. Minha nossa, I can´t stress that enough. Read the ensign from November (the one about the Book of Mormon) if you need
further convincing. Here on the mission, I don´t have that much time to study (only 3 hours a day, what garbage!!! :P) but every chance I get, I’m reading the Book of Mormon.
LOVE YOU LOTS, have a great week! I’m praying about you, and certainly feel all the prayers (and fasting) that you guys are doing.
Elder Twitchell
Here is the translation of his letter to the Mission President
This week was great! There are some things that can be better, but overall I think the work is going good. This week, I Brin and Elder were praying for people who are prepared to receive the restored gospel, and truly, people have been placed in our path. We think some families, and although it is hard to understand now how they will be now, I think they are very firm. In particular, the researcher was a Sunday in the church that is interested, and we'll teach him and his family this week. We are very excited. Also, we had some progress with investigators this week. First, Gustavo Batis was yesterday, and he is very firm, and excited about the Church. Too I, Arom, a researcher who was once a little more or less, the Church, and is serious about baptism. We have some other people who are very good, and we are excited to help them. Although we have a good week, we are also getting a little worried about our recent converts, especially Peterson's family (with his wife and five children). Elder Brin and I asked the Bishop to visit them, call a couple of missionaries in the ward, and also give a call to Peterson. But unfortunately, this has not anconteceu, and already makes more than one month they were baptized. We are also trying to get friendship with some members in the ward, but in fact people in the ward are not helping. And the same thing is happening with our other recent converts. Of course, I Brin and Elder need to watch our new converts, but the fact is that we will not be here in New
Neighborhood forever, then the need to visit the recent converts, and they also have called. Elder Brin and I are working hard to help our recent converts - visiting them several times during the week, talking with the Bishop and the leadership, especially during the ward council and speaking with members who live close to our recent converts - but we're still very concerned.
With the double, I Brin and Elder are great. Our relationship, in fact, it was just barely started on this week, but we talked a little, we solve some problems, and now, our fellowship has never been better! We are treating each other with more respect, more open talking and sharing ideas to help our study, fellowship, and work. The language, of course, is improving. Now, I can understand what people are saying, more or less, and can respond much more effectively. The Lord is helping me this much, and I was still studying a lot, and paying close attention as I'm talking about, and how Brazilians speak. I'm looking to improve my ability to speak, but at the same time, I try to remember that it is only with the Lord that I can say anything. I have great confidence that I will be understood, thanks to the Lord, and at the same time, I'm feeling a bit humble, because the Lord is helping me a lot. My tongue, literally, get long, and is useless!
My family is very good, and in fact they are growing much spiritually. is a blessing to see this growth.
Elder Brin and I'll work hard this week, and we will resolve our problems with our recent converts.
Thank you
Monday, January 9, 2012
Avram's letter to Pres. Cordon
Presidente Cordon
Esta Semana foi muito legal! Tem algumas coisas que podem ser melhor, mas em geral eu acho que o trabalho está indo bom.
Esta Semana, eu e Elder Brino estávamos orando para pessoas que são preparados para receber o evangelho restaurado, e verdadeiramente, pessoas foram colocados em nosso caminho.
Achamos algumas familias, e ainda que seja dificil perceber agora como eles vão ser agora, eu acho que elas são muito firmes. Em particular, no domingo um pesquisador foi na igreja que tem interesso, e nós vamos ensinar ele e a familia dele essa semana. Estamos muito animados. Também, nós tivemos progresso com alguns pesquisadores esta semana. Primeiro, Gustavo foi batisado ontem, e ele é muito firme, e animado sobre a Igreja. Tamben, Arom, um pesquisador que antes era um pouco mais ou menos, foi a Igreja, e está serio sobre batismo. Temos algumas outras pessoas que estão muito bons, e estamos animado a ajudar eles.
Ainda que tenhamos uma semana boa, nós também estamos ficando um pouco preocupado sobre nossos recém conversos, especialmente a familia do Peterson (com a esposa e cinco filhos).
Eu e Elder Brino pedimos ao Bispo para visitar eles, chamar uma dupla da missionarios da ala, e também dar um chamado para Peterson. Mas, infelizmente, este ainda não anconteceu, e ja faz mais que um mes que eles foram batisados.
Também estamos tentando arrumar algumas amisades com membros na ala, mas na verdade as pessoas na ala não estão ajudando. E a mesma coisa está acontecendo com nossos outros recém conversos. Claro, eu e Elder Brino precisamos prestar atenção a nossos recém conversos, mas o fato é que nós não vamos estar aqui em Bairro Novo para sempre, então a Ala precisa visitar os recém conversos, e também eles precisam chamados. Eu e Elder Brino estamos trabalhando muito para ajudar nossos recém conversos--visitando eles varias vezes durante a semana,
falando com o Bispo e a liderança, especialmente durante o conselho da ala (que não acontece, as vezes. O conselho não é muito regular.) e falando com membros que moram perto a nossos recém conversos--mas ainda estamos muito preocupados.
Durante nosso planejamento, eu e elder brino fazemos alguns planos a trabalhar mais com a ala, mas na verdade é um pouco dificil. Com a dupla, eu e Elder Brino estamos ótimos. Nosso relacionamento, em realidade, foi um pouco mal no iniciou desta semana, mas nós falamos um pouco, resolvemos algumas problemas, e agora, nosso companherismo nunca foi melhor! Estamos tratando um ao outro com mais respeito, falando mais aberto, e compartilhando idéias para ajudar nosso estudo, companherismo, e o trabalho.
A lingua, com certeza, está melhorando. Agora, eu posso entender o que as pessoas estão dizendo, mais ou menos, e posso responder muito mais eficazamente. O Senhor está me ajudando
nisso muito, e eu ainda está estudando muito, e prestando bastante atenção como eu estou falando, e como os brasileiros falam. Estou procurando a melhorar meu capacidade a falar, mas no mesmo tempo, eu tento me lembrar que só é com o Senhor que eu consigo falar qualquer coisa. Tenho muita confiança que eu vou ser entendido, graças ao Senhor, e no mesmo tempo, estou sentindo um pouco humilde, por que o Senhor está me ajudando muito. É interessante, por que as vezes eu fico um pouco orgulhoso quando estou falando, por que agora eu posso
conversar, mas no momento que eu fico mais orgulhoso, eu não consigo falar tão bem. Minha lingua, literalmente, começa demorar, e é inutil! Minha familia é muito bom, e na verdade, eles estão crescendo muito, espiritualmente. é uma benção ver este crescimento.
Desculpa que eu escrevi tanto! Eu e Elder Brino vamos trabalhar muito essa semana que vem, e vamos resolver nossas problemas com nossos recém conversos.
Esta Semana foi muito legal! Tem algumas coisas que podem ser melhor, mas em geral eu acho que o trabalho está indo bom.
Esta Semana, eu e Elder Brino estávamos orando para pessoas que são preparados para receber o evangelho restaurado, e verdadeiramente, pessoas foram colocados em nosso caminho.
Achamos algumas familias, e ainda que seja dificil perceber agora como eles vão ser agora, eu acho que elas são muito firmes. Em particular, no domingo um pesquisador foi na igreja que tem interesso, e nós vamos ensinar ele e a familia dele essa semana. Estamos muito animados. Também, nós tivemos progresso com alguns pesquisadores esta semana. Primeiro, Gustavo foi batisado ontem, e ele é muito firme, e animado sobre a Igreja. Tamben, Arom, um pesquisador que antes era um pouco mais ou menos, foi a Igreja, e está serio sobre batismo. Temos algumas outras pessoas que estão muito bons, e estamos animado a ajudar eles.
Ainda que tenhamos uma semana boa, nós também estamos ficando um pouco preocupado sobre nossos recém conversos, especialmente a familia do Peterson (com a esposa e cinco filhos).
Eu e Elder Brino pedimos ao Bispo para visitar eles, chamar uma dupla da missionarios da ala, e também dar um chamado para Peterson. Mas, infelizmente, este ainda não anconteceu, e ja faz mais que um mes que eles foram batisados.
Também estamos tentando arrumar algumas amisades com membros na ala, mas na verdade as pessoas na ala não estão ajudando. E a mesma coisa está acontecendo com nossos outros recém conversos. Claro, eu e Elder Brino precisamos prestar atenção a nossos recém conversos, mas o fato é que nós não vamos estar aqui em Bairro Novo para sempre, então a Ala precisa visitar os recém conversos, e também eles precisam chamados. Eu e Elder Brino estamos trabalhando muito para ajudar nossos recém conversos--visitando eles varias vezes durante a semana,
falando com o Bispo e a liderança, especialmente durante o conselho da ala (que não acontece, as vezes. O conselho não é muito regular.) e falando com membros que moram perto a nossos recém conversos--mas ainda estamos muito preocupados.
Durante nosso planejamento, eu e elder brino fazemos alguns planos a trabalhar mais com a ala, mas na verdade é um pouco dificil. Com a dupla, eu e Elder Brino estamos ótimos. Nosso relacionamento, em realidade, foi um pouco mal no iniciou desta semana, mas nós falamos um pouco, resolvemos algumas problemas, e agora, nosso companherismo nunca foi melhor! Estamos tratando um ao outro com mais respeito, falando mais aberto, e compartilhando idéias para ajudar nosso estudo, companherismo, e o trabalho.
A lingua, com certeza, está melhorando. Agora, eu posso entender o que as pessoas estão dizendo, mais ou menos, e posso responder muito mais eficazamente. O Senhor está me ajudando
nisso muito, e eu ainda está estudando muito, e prestando bastante atenção como eu estou falando, e como os brasileiros falam. Estou procurando a melhorar meu capacidade a falar, mas no mesmo tempo, eu tento me lembrar que só é com o Senhor que eu consigo falar qualquer coisa. Tenho muita confiança que eu vou ser entendido, graças ao Senhor, e no mesmo tempo, estou sentindo um pouco humilde, por que o Senhor está me ajudando muito. É interessante, por que as vezes eu fico um pouco orgulhoso quando estou falando, por que agora eu posso
conversar, mas no momento que eu fico mais orgulhoso, eu não consigo falar tão bem. Minha lingua, literalmente, começa demorar, e é inutil! Minha familia é muito bom, e na verdade, eles estão crescendo muito, espiritualmente. é uma benção ver este crescimento.
Desculpa que eu escrevi tanto! Eu e Elder Brino vamos trabalhar muito essa semana que vem, e vamos resolver nossas problemas com nossos recém conversos.
Elder Twitchell
I'm sure this is why his letters to us are so short, he has to figure out how to spell words in Portuguese. It looks to me like he is doing a great job....
Thursday, January 5, 2012
January 2, 2012
Dear Family,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2012!!!!!!
Sounds like a lot of crazy things are going on in the US with you guys! For the New Year, we did
nothing special at all! lol. It´s kind of sad, because really, on New Year´s eve, we should have had another day like Christmas, where we can stay out until 11. On Christmas, Elder Brino and I used this time to play this game with our Zone Leaders called War, which is exactly like Risk. It was tons of fun, and we were planning on playing again on New Year’s Eve. But, a missionary here in Curitiba stayed out until 1:30 AM on Christmas, at a member´s house!!! So, because of this, President Cordon said that no one could stay out later on New Year’s Eve. Whatever, it´s not that bad. Elder Brino and I tried working on New Year’s Eve, but pretty much everyone was partying. We got nothing done. And it was raining too. SO, between 7:00 to 9:00 on New Year’s Eve, we were walking in the rain, visiting various houses, trying to talk with people. It was fun! These experiences always make me feel like a missionary, because we´re working hard, even though we´re not having success.
It sounds like you had a peaceful New Year’s Eve. There´s nothing wrong with doing puzzles on a holiday! You´ll have to tell me more about what happened. I did write you guy’s letters, by the way. One for the Family, and One for Autumn. I sent them off today, because we didn´t have time to go to the Mail Place until today, so I don´t know how long they delay. We´ll see.
I can´t believe all that happened! Sister Patton is coming here!!!! wooohooo!! Also, Ellee is engaged! And tell Tiffany Congratulations!
I hope all of you are feeling better. Being sick is the worst. I have been pretty healthy since I’ve been here, but it´s still something that I’m really worried about. But really, stay healthy!
Sometimes, when I’m out here, and I think about all the people that I am teaching, and all the responsibility I have to follow the spirit and teach them, I get scared! But, the important thing is to always trust in the Lord. He is trusting you to teaching with the Holy Ghost for a reason! Just trust in him.
For the package, send me some starbursts. I liked the starbursts in my Christmas package!
I think I have to go, sorry that this letter was extra short, but I just sent you a handwritten one, so tudo bem! I hope all is well with the family, that you are choosing the right, and that you are remembering the Lord.
Elder Twitchell
Dear Family,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 2012!!!!!!
Sounds like a lot of crazy things are going on in the US with you guys! For the New Year, we did
nothing special at all! lol. It´s kind of sad, because really, on New Year´s eve, we should have had another day like Christmas, where we can stay out until 11. On Christmas, Elder Brino and I used this time to play this game with our Zone Leaders called War, which is exactly like Risk. It was tons of fun, and we were planning on playing again on New Year’s Eve. But, a missionary here in Curitiba stayed out until 1:30 AM on Christmas, at a member´s house!!! So, because of this, President Cordon said that no one could stay out later on New Year’s Eve. Whatever, it´s not that bad. Elder Brino and I tried working on New Year’s Eve, but pretty much everyone was partying. We got nothing done. And it was raining too. SO, between 7:00 to 9:00 on New Year’s Eve, we were walking in the rain, visiting various houses, trying to talk with people. It was fun! These experiences always make me feel like a missionary, because we´re working hard, even though we´re not having success.
It sounds like you had a peaceful New Year’s Eve. There´s nothing wrong with doing puzzles on a holiday! You´ll have to tell me more about what happened. I did write you guy’s letters, by the way. One for the Family, and One for Autumn. I sent them off today, because we didn´t have time to go to the Mail Place until today, so I don´t know how long they delay. We´ll see.
I can´t believe all that happened! Sister Patton is coming here!!!! wooohooo!! Also, Ellee is engaged! And tell Tiffany Congratulations!
I hope all of you are feeling better. Being sick is the worst. I have been pretty healthy since I’ve been here, but it´s still something that I’m really worried about. But really, stay healthy!
Sometimes, when I’m out here, and I think about all the people that I am teaching, and all the responsibility I have to follow the spirit and teach them, I get scared! But, the important thing is to always trust in the Lord. He is trusting you to teaching with the Holy Ghost for a reason! Just trust in him.
For the package, send me some starbursts. I liked the starbursts in my Christmas package!
I think I have to go, sorry that this letter was extra short, but I just sent you a handwritten one, so tudo bem! I hope all is well with the family, that you are choosing the right, and that you are remembering the Lord.
Elder Twitchell
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